[cms_heading hd_title=”Benefits for Universities/Colleges/Institutions” title_color=”#dc0101″ cms_template=”cms_heading–style2.php”]
- Expand the entrepreneurship development capabilities/cells on campus by using ideas from real world mentors
- Possibilities to brand the college/ university/ institution using the globally accomplished image of TiE
- Give your students a global platform to compete and get exposure
- Opportunity to develop connection with CXOs of corporates
- Have an opportunity for internships with corporations and fast growth companies
[cms_heading hd_title=”How to Apply” title_color=”#dc0101″ cms_template=”cms_heading–style4.php”]
- Application form – https://forms.gle/UrrpSTVDzngdHHkXA
[cms_heading hd_title=”How to promote entrepreneurship on campus” title_color=”#dc0101″ cms_template=”cms_heading–style2.php”]
- Display posters about TiE University programs
- Using campus social media promotions
- Reaching out to student associations/ groups/ clubs regarding TiE University programs
- Share information with faculty and administrators involved in entrepreneurship education
[cms_heading hd_title=”Past Participants testimonials” title_color=”#dc0101″ cms_template=”cms_heading–style2.php”]
[cms_heading hd_title=”Past Participants testimonials” title_color=”#dc0101″ cms_template=”cms_heading–style4.php”]
[cms_heading hd_title=”TiE University Pitch 2021 event promo” title_color=”#dc0101″ cms_template=”cms_heading–style4.php”]